I’m proud to support @SheClimate’s open letter calling for a more diverse #COP26 leadership team.
💥 What is COP26? 💥
Only the biggest summit the UK has hosted yet! Leaders from all over the world will report back and make further commitments to cut emissions as per the Paris Agreement:
✅ reduce amount of harmful greenhouse gases produced
✅ increase renewable energy
✅ ensure limit of 1.5•C is maintained.
✅ review progress every 5 years
✅ allocate $100bn pa in climate finance to help poorer countries by 2020, plus a continuation in the future.
Did you know?
⚠️Climate change disproportionately affects women⚠️
Did you also know?
⚠️ Women are disproportionately represented in our COP26 leader team too (3:1)!!!⚠️
We MUST have diverse leadership to fairly navigate the huge issues we face!
The future we build together has every potential to be better than before.
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